Analysis of Payment Trends in India: Credit Card, Debit Card, ATM Withdrawals, and UPI Transactions (April 2022 – April 2024)

Data Source – Reserve Bank of India – Bankwise ATM/POS/Card Statistics (

Video Explanation

Credit Card Purchase

Overall Usage of Credit Card for Purchase has shown a constant upward trend month over month in Last 25 months.

Apr 2024 over Apr 2022 shows a CAGR of 22%. 

Debit Card Purchase

Overall Usage of Debit Card for Purchase has shown a constant downward trend month over month in Last 25 months. The CAGR for Apr 2024 to Apr 2022 is -18%

Cash withdrawal from ATM using Debit Card

Account holders are withdrawing less from ATM. Cash withdrawal per card has gone down from 3100 per month to 2700 per month. 

No of UPI in India

UPI QR code is growing huge. Overall even if you take Apr 2024, it shows CAGR of 33%, in spite of Apr 2024 showing huge dip in comparison of Mar 2024 

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